Be careful how you consume tuna and sardines, because there are things you don’t know about them. However, all types of fish are not equally healthy, so you should be careful about the frequency of their use in the diet. Fish is an extremely healthy food, primarily due to the high percentage of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.
Nutritionists say that sardines are the best canned fish and you can’t go wrong with them. There are even 25 grams of protein in 100 grams of sardines. Thanks to the large amount of calcium, these small fish are extremely important for healthy and strong bones.
Tuna has a similar percentage of protein but less cholesterol than sardines. However, calcium levels are drastically lower, and nutritionists are extremely concerned about the amount of mercury that can be found in tuna.
Finally, consider quantities. Nutritionists recommend a maximum of two cans of tuna per week, while there is no limit for sardines in this regard. However, due to the amount of salt in sardines.